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Top 5 Reasons Why You Need Local Self Storage

1. Home renovation or moving house.  When you move house you may not be in a position to move everything into the new house right away, you may take the opportunity to move some things out of the house that you’d meant move anyway but hadn’t got around to, or you may want to free up some space in the house you’re trying to sell so that it’s more attractive to buyers. A self storage unit is an ideal solution.


2. Changes in the family unit at home.  Maybe a child is going to or coming back from university, maybe there’s a new addition to the family.  Having the option of using even a small storage unit can help free up space, provide a safe temporary place for belongings, or make sure the home is free of clutter to make it a safer, better place for  the newest member of the family.

3. Storing collections and hobby items. If you, or a member of your family has amassed a collection of items that’s eating up the space at home, a storage unit may be an ideal solution.  Sports equipment, books, records / cds, music equipment (instruments and speakers) etc.  A storage unit is an obvious and very practical solution.

4. Storing work items and stock. Perhaps you have work items / tools / equipment that you don’t want to store at home e.g. cluttering up the garage or cupboards. Perhaps you run a market / car boot stall at weekends, or you have some non-perishable stock items that you need to keep nearby.  Having your own storage can solve a multitude of storage problems.

5. Document storage. If you have files, work documents, manuals and books that you need to keep but you don’t want to use up all of your valuable office space, a storage unit can be the perfect solution.

We have indoor and outdoor drive up self storage units available from 15 sqft to 2,000 sqft, with 24/7 high security and flexible contracts. Book now!